I haven't actually voted since like 1988 I think. Boo Boo and I were up late last night, studying amendments to the state constitution, reading up on candidates, and preparing ourselves to make educated informed choices today -- which we did. Tonight's the night and I'm excited. Returns are coming in from some eastern states and Obama's ahead in both popular votes and electoral projections.
But I worry that maybe I'm backing the wrong candidate. Maybe I don't understand the negative repercussions of an Obama presidency. Maybe more tax cuts for the rich and less banking regulation will straighten out the economy. Maybe saving a couple dollars on taxes today is worth our great-grandchildren speaking Chinese because China has foreclosed on the $50 Trillion debt we left behind. Maybe we can just drill-baby-drill enough oil in this country to sustain us indefinitely. Maybe fear is better than respect in the world community. Maybe everything will get better if we just pray hard enough. Maybe only people who can afford it deserve healthcare. Maybe blindly following our leaders and cheating on our taxes is the best expression of patriotism.
No. I don't think so.
Pointing out and speaking against the irresponsible, destructive, and divisive actions of George W. Bush is the definition of patriotism. To see that, one only has to look as far as our nation's founding documents. The First Amendment; first for a reason. Freedom of speech is not just a right. It is a duty, and we are derelict if we do not perform it. "We the people..." People first, not country first, Mr. McCain. Country first is nationalism. Government buying companies is socialism. Do we really want national socialism in America? "...life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." To me, "life" implies health. Healthcare should be free for all. Liberty? Warrantless wire taps, secret courts, secret prisons, torture - these things will be W's legacy. Under W, we pursue happiness the way greyhounds pursue that mechanical rabbit around the dog track. But things change.
For the first time in a long time I actually feel hopeful about the future of our country.
It’s (Still) OK to Lie to Your Kids about Santa
1 month ago
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